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Climate and Sustainability

As a school community, addressing issues in relation to climate change and sustainability are of high priority.

With the onset of a new school building anticipated to be completed by April 2026 every effort is being made to launch a revised vision around sustainability and climate change.

School leaders and stakeholders understand that following the implementation of the DfE’s CF21 construction framework, the new purpose-built school will be net zero carbon in operation. A revised ethos and culture around sustainability is of priority.

Through compilation of a climate action plan, key findings indicate that immediate action is warranted as a school community. School leaders as part of the sustainability team will address curriculum content to ensure that all subjects across the EYFS and key stage one curriculums, pay attention and focus on issues related to climate change and sustainability.

Educating children, families, and the wider community in all aspects of climate change and sustainability requires long-term strategic planning. A defined plan of action in the form of school improvement initiatives will be put into place with effect from 2025.

In preparation for this, community links are being established with the aim of long-term sustainability goals. A key challenge for the sustainability team is joint working from key communities.

Through pupil voice the school aims to use the school council as a vehicle of communication to the wider community.

Please take a look at our Climate Action Plan below: