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Home Reading Scheme

At Pear Tree Infant and Nursery School we are passionate about our parent partnership and we have developed a reward scheme for children who read at home.  Over each term, children will receive a reading reward card, if they read at home and bring their book back to exchange on a Friday they will receive a stamp on their card. Once they have received 12 stamps they will receive a token and be able to choose a book from our new 'Book Vending Machine'!

We encourage children and parents to read together at home, this can provide a unique bonding experience as well as contributing to the development of listening skills, spelling, comprehension and vocabulary.  Reading with your child at home will foster a genuine love of reading and parents can establish themselves as reading role models with daily practice at home.

Book Vending Machine

We have a fantastic book vending machine in school.  Children have the opportunity to collect stamps and receive a book of their choice! Please have a look at the 'Reading - Parents Information Meeting' to view the presentation that was delivered to parents regarding our wonderful reading initiative.


World Book Day

At Pear Tree Infant and Nursery, we are passionate about giving your children enriched reading experiences.  Each year we celebrate World Book Day with exciting activities planned throughout the day for the children.

Story Time

Owl Babies

We love to read!

As a school community we are passionate about reading for pleasure and instilling children with a love of books. Both within the Nursery and Infant setting we host a range of events to support our children and families with fostering a love of books and reading.

We love to read in a variety of places! 

Children have the opportunity to read their favourite books during their Forest School provision

Pear Tree Infants reading extravaganza events!

Walbrook Nursery children throughly enjoying all our reading resources

Our Reading Rabbits - Rosie and Rodrigo

Our school pets Rosie and Rodrigo visit our class rooms regularly to share books.

Take a look at our reading rabbits in action.

Our School Library

We are proud of our school library. This is a dedicated space in both our Nursery and Infant setting which allows children a calm, purposeful and inviting place in which they can fully embrace the world of stories and books. 

Our children's love of reading shines through during their visits to our school library

Reading Den

We have transformed a space in our school into a 'Reading Den'.  This has given the children a cosy and inviting environment, fostering a love of reading!

Reading Buddies

Our reading buddies support your child's understanding of what they are reading.  The buddies enable children to link their experiences to their books, and are intrinsically linked to their learning. The buddies also provide prompts for reading - enabling children to question the texts and make predictions about what will happen next.  Ask your children if they know who these characters are and how they help them to read at school!

Captain Connector

Commander Clarifier

Inspector Inference

Pirate Predictor

Quizmaster Questioner

Research Retriever

Viking Visualiser

Sergeant Summariser