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Complaint Procedure

Pear Tree Infant School

Please do not hesitate to contact the head teacher if there are any issues which you feel warrant a complaint. 

We will always endeavor to work in partnership with you to resolve any concerns.

Please contact either Mrs Suddhi or Mrs Khan to arrange an appointment.

School contact number is: 

01332 767244 

School Address:
Pear Tree Infant School
Pear Tree Street 
DE23 8PN

Walbrook Nursery School

Please do not hesitate to contact the head teacher if there are any issues which you feel warrant a complaint. 

We will always endeavour to work in partnership with you to resolve any concerns.

Please contact Mrs Suddhi to arrange an appointment.

School contact number:

01332 772434

School address: 

Walbrook Nursery School
Middleton Street
DE23 8QJ

Please see the attached schools complaint policy below for further information outlining our school's complaint procedures.

Complain to a school about SEND

What to do if you are unhappy with something at Pear Tree Infant and Nursery school regarding your child and their SEND:

  • the first thing to do is to speak to our SENCO - Mrs S Khan.  Mrs Khan is responsible for coordinating provision for children with SEND in our Infant and Nursery school.
  • if you are still unhappy, you should talk to Mrs B Suddhi, Head Teacher.
  • If you are still unhappy, please have a look at the Department of Education's link: Complain about a school: Special educational needs (SEN) - GOV.UK