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Attendance matters, every school day counts

Regular attendance is of vital importance in allowing your child to reach their full potential. We appreciate fully that young children have medical appointments from time to time. We request that wherever possible these appointments are made out of school hours.

Please ensure that appointment cards are bought to school if your child needs to attend an appointment during the school day.

We appreciate your co-operation.

It is vitally important that you do not request holidays during term time as this will be refused.

Pupils with good attendance thrive and prosper in all areas of learning.

Pupils with persistent poor attendance will be reported to the

Educational Welfare Service which may result in a financial penalty.

For every day of school missed by a child it will reduce their attendance by 0.5%.

Ten whole days of school has been missed if your child has 95% attendance.

Twenty whole days of school has been missed if your child’s attendance is 90%.

Thirty whole days (that could equate to a whole half term) of school has been missed if your child’s attendance is 85%.

If your child’s attendance begins to cause concern, you will receive a letter from the Attendance Champion - Miss L Wilkins, advising you that we will monitor your child’s attendance and if this doesn’t improve you will be invited into school for a meeting and be referred to the Education Welfare Officer. 

School attendance is a high priority for Pear Tree Infant School. If you would like to discuss your child’s attendance, please contact Miss L Wilkins. 

Children start their day at 8:50am and finish at 3:20pm

School Absences

During the autumn/winter period, more illnesses are likely to circulate within school and nursery.  Derby City Council Public Health team have developed the below guidance, which aims to help parents and carers to understand when your child should be attending school and nursery, even if unwell.  

If you have any questions or need to report an absence, please call the Attendance Champion, Miss L Wilkins on 01332 767244 and press 1, and for Walbrook Nursery, please call the main office on 01332 772434.  You can also report your child's absence on our school communication app - 'Reach More Parents'. Please have a look on our website for more information regarding Reach More Parents.

Important - Measles Information 

The MMR vaccine is safe and effective, and children should receive the MMR vaccines to protect them from measles. please take a look at the NHS guidance: Measles, Don’t let your child catch it, this resource is available in different languages here

Don't let your child catch Measles - Different languages link


To all the pupils who attended school on time, every day.